الرئيسية / الدورات الجماهرية / مفتاح قانون الجذب / مراجع لدورة مفتاح قانون الجذب بقلم : د.نجيب الرفاعي

مراجع لدورة مفتاح قانون الجذب بقلم : د.نجيب الرفاعي

هذه قائمة باهم المراجع التي تتحدث عن قانون الجذب و التي استفدت منها شخصيا.
و للحصول على المادة اضغط على الصورة


يبحث في 9 تجارب شيقة كيف ان افكارك تؤثر في حياتك ؟؟و شخصيا جربت معظمها و نجحت
الكتاب يباع الكترونيا اضغط على صورة الكتاب و اقتن الكتاب و جرب افكاره الغريبة!!

جربت اكثر من تجربة و منها زرعت بذورر نبات في عدة اصيصات و عرضتها لعدة عوامل
منها قراءة القران و الثانيه احدثها سلبيا و الثالثة امدحها في قلبي و اقارنها بجارتها
و النتائج بعد اسبوعين؟؟
التي قرأت عليها القران اكثر اخضرارا و اجمل رائحة
و التي عنفتها ذبلت و اصفرت و قل النمو
و التي قارنتها باختها و اثني عليها داخليا نمت اسرع

و هذا الكتاب الثاني و مكمل للاول

كتاب رائع جدا و يتحدث عن ٢٣ طريقة للتخلص من التسويف و ادارة وقتك بكفائة عالية

In The Luck Factor, Brian Tracy will teach you the skills you need to experience higher levels of success and satisfaction in all areas of your life. Listen to this comprehensive, idea-packed program and learn how to: * Increase the probability of success in any arena. * Accelerate your success with well-focused goals and plans of action. * Unlock your inborn creativity. * Survive and thrive in the Information Age. * Utilize the 7 keys for increasing your productivity and performance. * Become action oriented. * Increase the capabilities of your superconscious mind. * Become financially independent using a simple process. * Increase your value and influence at work. * And much, much more! Success and happiness are not accidents. By mastering the factors that influence luck, you can increase the probability that you will be in the right place at the right time to accomplish the things that are most important to you. You’ll be more successful than ever before-and people will call you lucky.

Jack Canfield is an internationally known expert in the areas of self-esteem, peak
performance and the psychology of achievement. His insights in The Secret have helped millions discover the awesome power of the Law of Attraction. Now, in Maximum Confidence, Jack Canfield will help you to develop winning habits that will pay off everyday. Empowering you to celebrate and capitalize on your strengths and accept your weaknesses without guilt or remorse.

In this program, he’ll show you:

Why you should associate with nourishing, rather than toxic, people.

How, by using your mind, imagination, emotions, body and intuition, you can create a positive focus.

How to rid yourself of anger, guilt, or sadness.

How to use the Total Truth Process to boost your confidence and personal power.

How to eliminate the drain of incomplete tasks.

The importance of celebrating your strengths and affirming your success.

How to adopt the “so what, do it anyway” philosophy.

And much more!

Prepare to join the thousands of people whose lives have been changed through this powerful process. Maximum Confidence is your ticket to a life of continuous personal growth and fulfillment.

اما كتاب المفتاح فهو من اروع ما قرأت في هذا الموضع مختصر و به تطبيقات عملية

This book is a simple ‘how to’ guide for using the Law of Attraction to create the life you desire. Within these pages, Canfield clearly explains not only what you need to know, but what you need to do in order to attract what you want in your life. Jack Canfield’s Key to Living the Law of Attraction addresses the important issues of clarity, purpose, and action. This thought-provoking guide will take you step by step through the processes of defining your dreams, goals, and desires. Along the way, you will gain a greater understanding of yourself—a sense of who you really are and why you are here. Your journey begins right here, right now. You can change your life, increase your awareness, and empower yourself to create an amazing future—one that is filled with love, joy, and abundance.

This book is your key.

و هذا الكتاب يعلمك طريقة كتابة التوكيدات الايجابية مع الامثلة

و هذه مراجع مساندة

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اقرب دورة لمفتاح قانون الجذب اضغط هنا

عن الدكتور نجيب الرفاعي

الدكتور نجيب الرفاعي مؤسس و مدير عام مهارات للاستشارات و التدريب و الذي تأسس عام 1995 و يقدم دورات تخصصية في مجال تنمية الفرد و الاسرة

شاهد أيضاً

دروس من أطول دراسة في التاريخ د.نجيب الرفاعي

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